Monday, 26 October 2015

Questions for Theists

Here are a few questions for the theists. These basic questions are the initiators for many of the people to change themselves from believing in a supernatural being to become an Atheist. So these are pretty important questions and here we  go,

1. Does God knows everything? Is he gonna know what am gonna do in my life? If so, he certainly knows, if am going to heaven or to hell. Then why the f*ck, he needs to test me by giving a life on earth. He could straight away send me either to hell or heaven.

2. What about the people lived and died here without knowing the existence of God? The tribes living here, never heard of many of the popular Gods. They may be 
believing in their own Tribal God or may not believing in any. And there are people who lived long before many Gods revealed themselves through Mohammed, Jesus etc. So, does the real God going to punish them for not knowing him? After all, isn't it God's fault for not showing himself to them?

3. Why there are animals in this world? If you are saying they are created for humans, then why there are animals living in extreme conditions, like deep down Arctic ocean or inside a super hot volcano, where humans are never gonna live or finds them? We have never known fully about all the living beings on earth, still lot many to discover.

4. Why he created such a vast universe for tiny humans? Long ago where a few planets where discovered, the deluded people then thought these planets have some effect on human life, and thus formed a new pseudoscience, astrology. But now with the discovery of so many stars and exoplanets and galaxies, they have to come up with something new. And am sure they will find some way to connect everything to make the holy book correct.

5. There are thousands of religions exist here. How do you know, the God you believes is the true one? What if you are wrong? Aren't you going to get punished by the real God? Because there are punishments for disbelief of most of the Gods here and also for believing in some other God, other than the real one. Because believing some other God will really piss him off and you will be tortured eternally.

With all these common sense questions in mind , how can a sensible man believe in any of it? All I have to say is, 

Religion is Bullshit and God is a C*nt.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

What is Confirmation Bias?

 According to ScienceDaily,

"Confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions, leading to statistical errors."

It is the tendency of humans to notice and look for information that confirms their assumptions and filter out potentially useful facts and opinions that don't coincide with their preconceived notions. People search for the data to confirm what they believe. They are not ready to accept otherwise. Because deep inside they have their beliefs which was formed in the early stages of their lives. And it requires an incident that has a big impact or a convincing teaching to make them think otherwise.

Lets look into the life of Jack. Jack is a guy who believes on Jesus. He was born and brought up in a Christian family. He trusts Jesus is true and he is the son of God. He believes Jesus will help him in his difficulties. And ofcourse he attends church regularly. One day he cannot attend the church as he thought he may go partying on the same day to enjoy with friends. But while going he met with an accident. And on another day, friends called him for a party. But he said he is not coming, he want to go to church. And while going to church, he narrowly escaped from an accident. What Jack will think now? Ya he certainly believes Jesus did that. But ofcourse, he had accidents before while he went to church and had escaped from accidents when he went somewhere for partying. But his mind will interpret the incidents as he wishes to confirms his beliefs and make his beliefs stronger.

When a black cat crosses your path, all that going to happen bad will be confirmed as because of the cat. But actually the cat got nothing to do with someones lives. And you know, it got no super powers to control someones life. 

This failure of human mind to think rationally without bias, is the reason why people believing in religions blindly. The priests know how to play with words and make their believers trust them and follow their paths. Every incident happens in their lives is taken as data to believe in what they wish to believe. Every thing converges to that same point, that same belief. And gradually you will reach to a state where nothing can defy the belief in you. And you strongly believe that you collected the data without bias.

And this tendency is mostly seen in religious believers. They are either not interested in knowing the truth or when they do, they reaches the same answer every time they seek. They lost their ability to seek knowledge as they believe they got every answers from the Holy Book. Every questions has a one word answer for them and that is 'God'. They been injected with religious beliefs while growing up. 

And there are others who are not satisfied with what the religions can provide. They tries to learn new things. The answers from religions defy logics and reasoning and they find it ridiculous. They are always in search of knowledge. Most of them doubts the existence of super being. Thus creating the group, Atheists. Maybe atheists too show confirmation bias, but i think its much more in religious people. Because atheists are ready to learn everything. They are ready to know about religions as well as Science. That is the reason why they become atheist.

They know religion and they know Science. And out of the two, they chose Science.

Long live Dawkins

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Why There's Most Likely No God - TestTube Plus

TestTube Plus


Everyone, thanks for tuning into test tube plus today. I am Trace, this is episode two of five on our series about God. We take a big topic here on TestTube Plus and we break it into a bunch of different chunks so we can all understand it better myself included. Yesterday we talked about how God might be a real thing even under science and how science and God might go hand in hand. But today we're gonna flip that and we're going to talk a little bit about how science and God might not go hand in hand and scientists that don't think that science and God can coexist as easily as we think so. 

If you're talking about scientists one of the first scientist you're ever gonna think if you talk to a layman about science is going to be Albert Einstein. Everybody knows Albert Einstein's name, everybody in the world would seem like and Albert Einstein is often thought of as a religious man because he uses the word God a lot in his writings. A handwritten letter sold for three million dollars on eBay which clearly states though and Einstein does not believe in God, in the letter he wrote the word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness. The Bible a collection of honourable but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish, some folks have issues with the translation of this message in the truth of its validity.

But the letter did sell for three million dollars on eBay so there are people who believe that this is a real opinion of one of the most famous scientist after another famous scientists one of the most famous ones still live today is Stephen Hawking in his 1988 book a brief history of time talking rights then we should know the mind of God. This is something that's set a lot when it comes to Hawking but Mr Hawking said during an interview, “what I meant by we would know the mind of God is we would know everything that God would know if there were a God, which there isn’t, also I'm an atheist”. He was very explicit about his opinions and he added religion believes in miracles, but these are not compatible with science.

So is there scientific proof of no god? No there's not. There's not any scientific proof that there was or wasn't as we said before, but there is definitely room to imagine a divine character science has not revealed why the universe came into existence what preceded the big bang and so on and so forth. But there is historical proof that some of the religious figures that we talked about in relation to God existed. But first let's talk about one of the most famous ones at least here in the united states and that is Jesus. Jesus in the Bible absolutely hundred-percent, but outside a specific religious texts from after his death, there doesn't seem to be any historical evidence did Jesus exist. The Romans kept track of everything and I do mean everything, they weren't a huge empire with no organisational scheme, they had bureaucracy they had all of these public buildings with records and construction records and military records and so on and so forth we know what time of day Mount Vesuvius erupted, because there are records that survive to this day that said so. was lunch time you think we have tons of stories about a magical profit guy who can walk on water come back from the dead heal the sick and cure the lame and but there doesn't seem to be any verifiable primary source proof of this man's existence, that being said, historians would probably tell you there are a lot of secondary sources letters written from people by other people to other people things talking about Jesus but nothing that says hello I am Jesus and here is my writings nothing that says hello this is Jesus and me and Jesus are chilling out nothing that they can show as a primary source.

I was surprised by this, I'm engineer, also surprised by this if you haven't done this research before we have tons of art and books and documentation from before during and after the lifetime of Jesus if he allegedly lived but we don't have anything about this very important person is debated by modern scholars and historians if these folks existed at all. Jesus being one of a group of people who are religiously important because it's really hard to say a lot of religious experience is by word of mouth in there. It's very difficult to link across references and writings from one religious group to another one person to another for religious purposes only real references to Jesus that we have our by his friends and of course they all wrote very positive things that he was this incredible dude. Don't you think there would be counter texts or supporting evidence or you know evidence defaming him especially considering he was a pretty polarising bro. Alternatively Buddha is widely agreed to be a real guy named Siddhartha Gautama and scholars and historians all kind of agree on this probably lived around 500 BCE and that's before Jesus. And there are biographies there are accounts their ancient texts all that cross reference to the same Siddhartha Gautama. He gave his people the Word of God so if you believe that Siddhartha Gautama is a sigh of God or is telling you about God teaching you about God and you believe he's real and what he is saying is real men God is real to you for that reason which also sheds a little more doubt on whether or not Jesus could be a real place nobody wrote about it. Muhammad has records Jesus doesn’t. Very strange.

But all that aside just because Jesus did or did not exist does not mean that God does or does not exist we're not trying to say that, what we're trying to say is that it does cast doubt on the whole religion thing from a scientific standpoint. It doesn't mean that Jesus was a prophet wasn't a messiah doesn't mean that Jesus was or was not anything what it what we're saying is it's difficult to prove that he was really there in the same way. And there are still people working on finding that proof and maybe will find it someday. Maybe we'll find something interesting in the future but as of right now we don't really have any primary sources said there is no God under science, there's no profits, then why are we talking about it why does it dominate the news the culture and politics. It does so because it incites passion in people in the same way that science insight passion and a lot of people it's an impassioned argument and it's an impassioned word to invoke the name of God when talking about something. When Hawking says we shall know the face of God it sounds awesome and makes you wanna know that thing but he's also not saying we'll know the face of God he saying 10 the face of this caricature in this idea this feeling this emotion in this paper everyone down in the comments i'm sure you are down there typing away feverishly but let us know what you think down there and do you believe in God do not believe in God let's continue the discussion from yesterday's episode and subscribe for more tests you plus you get tomorrow's episode as well more about God coming then and if you haven't watched yesterday's make sure you do that thanks for watching today we'll see you tomorrow.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Why Hindu Gods do not like Cell Phones?

What you heard is right. Hindu Gods do not like mobile phones. They are against cameras as well. These Gods are so pure that even the slightest impurity results in their displeasure. The cams and phones are impure just like a lady on her periods. Why are Gods excessively sexist? They have made everything in the universe and they feel certain things as tainted. The impurity list also incorporates other religious people. Every God says they made the entire universe and at the same time says some of its creation make him spew. 

There are restrictions for some animals too. Cows are extremely sacred that cow slaughtering is a major crime in India now. While fish, pig, rodent and some other animals who are also the companion of numerous other Hindu Gods, doesn't come to the level of cows. 

Some say cell phones will become a hindrance for the devotees and affects the sanctity of the temple, yet how the fireworks got their place in temples. Doesn't it influence the holiness? The reason is cell phone is a new innovation, but cracker are not. The Hindu Gods are skeptical. They need time to acknowledge any new product. 

These Hindu Gods once don't care for the Dalits (Lower caste people).  Later on with continuous compulsion and protest from the Dalits and their supporters, Hindu Gods starts loving them. Now they are permitted in many temples. There were dislikes in clothing as well. They are too conventional that they like the traditional way of clothing only. But, later on began to like new kinds too. I think Hindu Gods are having constant communication with the priests to say what they like and what they like.

So I'm pretty sure that one day God will love mobile phones and cams. I'm waiting for the day they begin adoring beloved iPhone.

How religions are formed?

Long back, millions of years ago, when man lived like animals, the earth was a beautiful place. The population was not separated by race, society, religion or nation. The things people worried was natural catastrophes. The thing that matter was how to save themselves. 

Every time when a tremor or thunderstorm happens, man was terrified to death. He knows he cannot fight it himself or by his fellow people. Sentiments of vulnerability and sadness sent him to profound agony. Nothing could really comfort him. At the point when lightning strikes, earthquake happens, or when a solar eclipse occurs, he believed those were a result of some furious giant powerful beings up in the sky punishing them for their mistakes. They were in the quest for fulfilling the upset Supernaturals. He tried killing animals as sacrifice. He fulfilled them by lighting flame. By coincidence, those disasters gone while doing certain ceremonies. That made the early people proceed with those ceremonies for fulfilling the ruthless creatures. Later he called them Gods and believed if he do such rituals he is gonna get rewarded by them. 

These customs turns into a practice in the eras that came by. What's more, they called each natural superpowers as God. Thus shaped God of wind, God of thunder, Sun God and so forth. They told stories regarding these God to the following generations. Individuals began to have faith in distinctive Gods. Later there formed the detachment among people in the name of God. Each group wrote their own stories of their God. That was the primal rendition of Holy Books. That was the beginning of Religion. 

When you look at todays religion and Gods, you can see there is immense likeness on their stories to that of some different Gods of the older civilisations. The traders were the old age messengers. They were the reason numerous religions were spread over the globe. Islam spread so rapidly on account of the Arab dealers. What's more, the stories in Christianity has high similarity with the stories of Horus, the Egyptian God. And, Islam is considering Jesus as their messenger from God. The major religions are interconnected. No distinction on account of other major religions like Hinduism, Buddhism etc.

Presently religion ends up being a curse rather than a gift. The top level religious researchers need to spread their religion all across the world. People are believing the Holy Book blindfoldedly. Some of them simply complying with those sacred texts composed centuries back by some tribals. Thus framing the new age terror groups ISIS, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Boko haram and so forth. 

The truth is there is nobody up above to help you or to punish you. There is only one life. Live it cheerfully and permit others to experience them joyfully as well.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Remarkable Quotes of Stephen Hawking

Prof Stephen Hawking, one of the world's distinguished scientist, theoretical physicist, cosmologist. He is known for his genius, his disability as well as his distinctive voice. When the 73-year-old says something, it probably pays to listen. Here're some of his incredible quotes in no particular order,

"Even if it turns out that time travel is impossible, it is important that we understand why it is impossible"

- From the lecture, "My Brief History"

"There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, [and] science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win, because it works"

To Diane Sawyer, ABC News

"The life we have on earth must have spontaneously generated itself, it must therefore be possible for life to generate spontaneously elsewhere in the universe"

From "Alien Planet", 
on the Discover Channel

"Next time someone complains that you have made a mistake, tell him that may be a good thing. Because without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist"

- From "Into The Universe with Stephen Hawking", 
on the Discovery Channel

"At school, I was never more than about halfway up the class. It was a very bright class. My classwork was very untidy, and my handwriting was the despair of my teachers. But my classmates give me the nickname Einstein, so presumably they saw signs of something better. When I was twelve, one of my friends bet another friend a bag of sweets that I would never come to anything. I don't know if this bet was ever settled, and if so, which way it was decided..."

From the lecture, "My Brief History"

Why My Religion is True?

Religion, Atheism

There are thousands of religions in this world. And, not a single individual who believes in more than one at a time. Maybe they are accepting other religions and their God. But, deep inside there will be their own particular religion and no spot for other Gods. They trust their religion is the true one.

I consider my religion as genuine because it is the religion am being heard about from the time I'm conceived. That is the religion my parents have faith in. I heard the stories from the Holy Book. Those stories seem to be so true to me just like the way I trusted Santa in my childhood. When I grew up friends and my family made me understand that Santa is a fictional character and isn't real. Yet, nobody said my God is fictitious. Furthermore, people continue to believe God even when they are old.

You may find there is no logic in saying this. There is no logic or reasoning when it comes to faith. My Holy Book says certain things and I will trust those. Holy Book says my religion is true. Sacred Book says my God is the right God. Yet, I don't know who actually wrote this book. But I'll keep trusting what's written in it. It clearly says about the punishment for apostasy. Am trusting it not on account of fear of punishment, but rather in light of the fact that I cherish God. My religion is a religion of peace. I'll be punished if I do not follow. But I love him anyway.

Believe in God blindfolded

I am trusting my religion and God, that implies, I am not accepting different religions and not appealing to different Gods. In case there are precise thousand religions here, then there is a likelihood of 1:1000 for my religion and God to be valid. Furthermore, there is only a narrow line between an atheist and me. I am disbelieving 999 religions and an atheist is distrusting every single one of those 1000 religions. But those details won't make any difference to me.

Still I'm stating, each one of those billion individuals out there who trust in different Gods aren't right and my people and I are correct.

Why did God create the Universe?

Why God created universe

God made this world in seven days umm.. did actually a God made this world? If so, why on "Andromeda" he made this? Why would God make something pointless when he is so intense and can have anything he needs?

Long before, that is, thousands of years ago for Ken Ham, for others consider it as billions, God was a desolate creäture wandering in space. Hold up a min, there was no space by the way. Don't know when he made space and time. I think the main thing existed was nothing. There was "nothing" and obviously darkness. He was a Dark Lord. What might he be doing there? Nobody to talk and nobody to play 'street dice' (According to Hawking he in some cases play dice). It was extreme boredom. He started to think many things. About the purpose of his life and where he originated from. Ya, God is a free-thinker. Thank God, there was no religious fanatic to indoctrinate him. He gets extremely sad when he understand there is nobody to watch his magic and praise him. God felt he is a failure. So miserable.

This thought was haunting God. He wouldn't like to die like that. ( like that) So at last he thought of this brilliant idea. Why don't make some tiny animals and make them adulate him, adore him and spread his word? That is a decent one. It's fairly like, 'liking' your own pic in FB (YUCK). But out of the fear of depression, he chose to make it.

Took his magic wand and waved in vacuüm for 6 days. All of a sudden there was planets, asteroids, comets, dwarf planets, Kuiper belt, Oort cloud, stars, cloud, quasars, pulsars, black holes, galaxies of wide varieties and that too excessively kept one another light years apart. He made a great deal. Also, he made the puny people in this tremendous universe. Now u may question why he made this humongous world for these diminutive creatures. You mischievous animals ought not to ask such inept questions. He is God and he works in mysterious ways. You can't question him.

Following 6 days of creation, God rested the 7th day. 

And 8th day too. 

The 9th day as well. 

It goes on. In the middle, he sends a few messengers to earth to spread his word and to write his sacred book. Also sent his son to execute himself for all the sins of mankind. Unless those very few moments, God didn't show up. Legend says he is still resting outside the observable universe. May the almighty rest in peace.

Anyway, he is happy now with his creations. The modest living things in the little circle out there lauding him, worshiping him and flying planes into structures for him every day. He is resting far away watching everything and stretching the universe.