Sunday, 18 October 2015

Why did God create the Universe?

Why God created universe

God made this world in seven days umm.. did actually a God made this world? If so, why on "Andromeda" he made this? Why would God make something pointless when he is so intense and can have anything he needs?

Long before, that is, thousands of years ago for Ken Ham, for others consider it as billions, God was a desolate creäture wandering in space. Hold up a min, there was no space by the way. Don't know when he made space and time. I think the main thing existed was nothing. There was "nothing" and obviously darkness. He was a Dark Lord. What might he be doing there? Nobody to talk and nobody to play 'street dice' (According to Hawking he in some cases play dice). It was extreme boredom. He started to think many things. About the purpose of his life and where he originated from. Ya, God is a free-thinker. Thank God, there was no religious fanatic to indoctrinate him. He gets extremely sad when he understand there is nobody to watch his magic and praise him. God felt he is a failure. So miserable.

This thought was haunting God. He wouldn't like to die like that. ( like that) So at last he thought of this brilliant idea. Why don't make some tiny animals and make them adulate him, adore him and spread his word? That is a decent one. It's fairly like, 'liking' your own pic in FB (YUCK). But out of the fear of depression, he chose to make it.

Took his magic wand and waved in vacuüm for 6 days. All of a sudden there was planets, asteroids, comets, dwarf planets, Kuiper belt, Oort cloud, stars, cloud, quasars, pulsars, black holes, galaxies of wide varieties and that too excessively kept one another light years apart. He made a great deal. Also, he made the puny people in this tremendous universe. Now u may question why he made this humongous world for these diminutive creatures. You mischievous animals ought not to ask such inept questions. He is God and he works in mysterious ways. You can't question him.

Following 6 days of creation, God rested the 7th day. 

And 8th day too. 

The 9th day as well. 

It goes on. In the middle, he sends a few messengers to earth to spread his word and to write his sacred book. Also sent his son to execute himself for all the sins of mankind. Unless those very few moments, God didn't show up. Legend says he is still resting outside the observable universe. May the almighty rest in peace.

Anyway, he is happy now with his creations. The modest living things in the little circle out there lauding him, worshiping him and flying planes into structures for him every day. He is resting far away watching everything and stretching the universe.

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